Hi there, I’m Max!

If you’re on this website, then you probably stumbled upon one of my many social media and forum accounts and made the mistake of clicking a link I posted. Welcome! This website is kind of barren at the moment, and has been for some time. I have a lot of ideas for blog-type posts and stuff like that, but most of them end up unfinished and forgotten in a big pile of markdown files. Still, if you’d like to check out the few things I did manage to complete, you can check out the blog overview.

Some quick background info on me: I finished my bachelors degree in a compsci-related field in 2022 and have been crawling the corners of the web for about a decade before that. I now work as a software developer, writing Windows applications and stuff like that, while also occasionally pushing some scripts and tools I wrote for personal consumption on my GitHub. I’m a big *nix guy, have been running a Mac as my main computer for a few years now and also use Linux on various servers and laptops. Yes, I also own a thinkpad. Here’s a rundown of the tools I use most, if you’re curious:

  • zsh, as my shell of choice
  • firefox, for absolutely all browsing needs
  • (neo)vim obviously, because emacs sucks
  • obsidian, to organise thoughts and write both fiction and non-fiction texts in my free time
  • a bunch of proprietary shit that I won’t list here, like Spotify etc.

Beyond computers I also have a lot of other small interests, which I randomly cycle through from week to week. These include music and audio gear, video games, classic German literature, very basic linguistics, cyberpunk fiction, mechanical keyboards, pocket knives, fountain pens, and vintage Casio watches as of recent. I never pursue any of these interests as deeply as some other people do, but I like chatting and learning about all of them, especially with more knowledgeable folks.