Privacy policy

This website tries to respect and maintain your privacy as much as possible. It runs on a minimally configured nginx server and doesn’t put any cookies in your browser, run any JavaScript (there is not a single JS file here) or even log your IP address - no activity logs are saved by nginx.

Since this website is hosted in Germany and it’s author (me) lives in Germany, it falls under German law. Unfortunately German law regarding privacy policy (Datenschutzerklärung) and legal notice (Impressum) is not entirely clear or easy to understand for a layman like me. This website doesn’t run ads, try to sell you anything, feature paid materials or sponsored posts or any other commercial aspects. It’s a purely personal website. For this reason, and my lack of tracking/data collection, I assume that I need neither a formal privacy policy nor legal notice including my name and address.

It is also important to note that this website links to several other websites, including but not limited to Twitter, Github, Instagram, Youtube. I am not responsible for or in control of these websites and their privacy policies etc. My only website is and my commitment to your privacy is only applicable to this website.

If my interpretation of these laws is in any way incorrect or faulty, please message me at the mail address linked in this pages header, so I can make any necessary changes. Thank you.